SkinKraft Cookie Policy

What Are Cookies?

Web cookies or HTTP cookies make your computer browsing trouble-free. These cookies are small computer data packets that are received and then sent by your computer without any alteration or changes. Needless to say, the cookies contain information about you and your preferences. The computer stores these cookies as text files inside your web browser. It allows you to register on a website and remain logged in without any hassle. Additionally, the cookies make sure that you can perform essential functions on your web browser smoothly.

SkinKraft (“Site”, “us”, “we”) may use cookies and a few tracking technologies to serve you a better user experience whenever you visit our website ( Some cookies may be used for strictly technical purposes while some may be added to provide a personalized experience for the user. To understand why and what data these cookies are collecting, please scroll down to read more!

Necessary Cookies: As the name suggests, these cookies are necessary for the site to function properly. These cookies allow the site to perform certain features and functionalities which are essential to give a user-friendly interface for our customers. Disabling them would hamper the basic functions like signing in, e-billing etc. 

Advertising Cookies: Advertisement cookies are designed to gather information about your likes and interests to display advertisements on the topics that are relevant to you. These cookies allow the advertisers to track your basic online activities such as the sites you visit, ads you watch and your preferences. That’s how the advertiser brings ads that are of your interest.

Note: Advertising cookies do not collect any personal information about you.

Analytics Cookies: Analytics cookies allow us to keep a track of the user activities on our site, like which pages are the most visited, how the user is interacting with the site, etc. We use the data to improve our website and provide a better experience for our users.

Personalization Cookies: Personalization cookies collect the data of regular or repeated visitors to our site. They record data like pages you visit most, your browsing history, the language preference, regional configuration from where the site is visited etc.

Security Cookies: Security cookies are added to protect the user data from any unauthorized party.  It identifies the risks and prevents any threat to the data you shared with the site.

Third-Party Cookies: Third-party cookies enable third parties to collect data about you. Third-party cookies are usually the advertising networks or companies that run the services we offer. However, these cookies can be disabled manually by the user. 

Note: Most web browsers accept cookies by default but the users can reject or remove the cookies manually. Removing cookies may affect the basic functionality of the website.

Other Tracking Technologies

SkinKraft may also use other tracking technologies like pixel tags, web beacons to enhance the user experience. But these tracking technologies only collect limited data such as cookie number, time and date of page viewing and the number of users visiting any particular page. These tags can not be rejected or removed manually but you can disable the cookies interacting with these tags. Our privacy policy page has a detailed elaboration of how the site may use the data collected by cookies and other tracking technologies. If you still have any questions or suggestions about our cookie policy, feel free to contact us at